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Image by Mimi Di Cianni

Global Ties Miami in the Media

Global Miami Magazine

In the feature, Dr. Athena Passera, President and CEO of Global Ties Miami, discusses how our organization plays a crucial role in promoting international relations and aligning with U.S. foreign policy objectives through the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP). The article, authored by Associate Editor Yousra Benkirane, beautifully captures our commitment to providing impactful experiences for international visitors and highlights Miami’s evolution into a global hub capable of hosting meaningful exchanges across a variety of current and relevant topics.

South Dade News Leader
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On May 20th, 2024, the Art Access Miami Launch took place at Patch of Heaven Sanctuary, featuring East-Asian decor and performances by student musicians from Norland and Carol City Senior High schools. The event celebrated the expansion of the Arts Access program from Miami Gardens to Homestead, funded by a $10 million endowment from Daniel R. Lewis. The program will provide music and art education to sixteen Title 1 schools. Attendees included representatives from various organizations, including Global Ties Miami. Speakers emphasized the importance of collaboration in spreading arts education throughout Miami-Dade County.

University of Miami
Miller School of Medicine
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On April 18, 2024, experts from the University of Miami's Adolescent Medicine program hosted a 16-delegate contingent from Global Ties Miami. This event, part of the “Fentanyl and Other Global Public Health Challenges” initiative, featured educational sessions on HIV, the opioid crisis, and patient advocacy. Delegates from countries like Egypt, Japan, and Iceland, including CEOs and health leaders, explored public-private partnerships and public health policies. Discussions highlighted Miami's approach to youth HIV care and fentanyl crisis management, emphasizing the importance of legislative support and community partnerships.

Global Ties U.S.
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On April 25-27, 2024, Miami hosted the Career Connections seminar “Forging Your Own Path,” sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and organized by Global Ties Miami and Global Ties U.S. The three-day event brought together 41 U.S. ExchangeAlumni to network, leverage their international exchange experiences, and grow professionally. Highlights included workshops on future careers, personal branding, and professional planning. Attendees enjoyed cultural tours and networking, leaving inspired and equipped with new skills and connections to advance their careers.

Gay Men’s Chorus of South Florida
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On May 5th, 2024, Global Ties Miami's international visitors attended Tropical Wave's concert "How Can I Keep From Singing?" in Coral Gables. Hosted by Coral Gables Congregational United Church of Christ, guests met with GMCSF leaders to discuss the transformative power of the arts in promoting social change. Global Ties Miami, part of the U.S. State Department's International Visitor Leadership Program, fosters global understanding and community sustainability through the arts, bringing together representatives from 20+ countries.

U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of State Exchange Programs Support Global Efforts to Combat Illicit Synthe

The U.S. Department of State announced International Visitor Leadership Programs to support the Biden-Harris Administration's efforts against illicit synthetic drugs. Secretary Blinken's recent meeting in Tucson highlighted the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Drug Threats. The "Towards a More Safe and Secure World" initiative began April 29, hosting 50 experts from 40+ countries. They discussed combating synthetic drug production and transnational criminal networks. Additionally, global health experts discussed fentanyl impacts, and U.S.-Mexico collaborations focused on reducing synthetic drug supply and demand.

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